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​Gagasan Sejahtera Puts Malaysians’ Voices Forward


Gagasan Sejahtera Puts Malaysians’ Voices Forward

By : Syuhadah Muhamad

KUALA NERUS, 29 Sept – PAS is expecting a new momentum in the upcoming general election after Gagasan Sejahtera being unanimously acknowledged by Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO) and the nation’s figures of the society.

Such was the confidence exhibited by Ustaz Kamaruzzaman Mohamad in an interview session with the NGOs in conjunction with Fastaqim 2.0 today.

According to Ustaz Kamaruzzaman, they managed to come up with two resolutions during the Round Table Session with the NGO thus proving that PAS is now all geared up and ready to face the upcoming general election.

He further explained that the main resolution that has reached a consensus is to form a committee that can coordinate Islamic NGOs so as to ensure that these NGOs can play their roles in making sure a clean and positive general election can be achieved.

In his speech, he also stated that Gagasan Sejahtera is gaining strong support from many NGOs.

“We have agreed to form a Coordinating Committee for Islamic NGO that will put a focus on how these NGOs can play their roles in ensuring the 14th general election to run positively, while also considering the NGO’s interests.”

“We have also unanimously expressed our support for PAS and Gagasan Sejahtera towards all of the principles and directions to which they are heading to” he explained in full spirit.

In a Q&A session with the media, Ustaz Kamaruzzaman further clarify that Gagasan Sejahtera is a political coalition consisting of political parties, NGOs and figures of the society.

He also added that Gagasan Sejahtera will be able to shape a new political block with PAS being the core entity of the block.

The Round Table Session with the NGOs was held at Kuala Terengganu Golf Resort at 3 pm today.