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Perikatan: Perak Barisan-Pakatan pact not unexpected


The state Perikatan deputy chairman said there were no harsh feelings against Barisan.

“It is their right to make a move that seems good to them.

“We have known for a while that Umno was heading in that direction,” said the state PAS commissioner when contacted yesterday.

“Right now, we want voters to see who (are really) fighting for the sake of the Malays and Muslims in this country,” the Gunung Semanggol assemblyman added.

In a press statement, state Perikatan chairman Datuk Seri Ahmad Faizal Azumu said the pact between Pakatan and Barisan was a recipe for disaster.

“This just confirms talk before the elections that Umno leaders are working to form a new alignment with Pakatan just to stay in power.
“We are also wondering whatever happened to the decision made during the Umno annual general meeting of ‘No Anwar, No DAP’ stance,” he said.

“Perak Perikatan will continue with its stand to be the Opposition and we’ll work with parties that are prepared to accept our principle of being caring, clean and stable.

“We will never work with Pakatan, which has DAP that has been rejected by the majority of the Malays or with those who are tainted with corruption,” he added.

Perak Barisan chairman Datuk Seri Saarani Mohamad and state DAP vice-chairman Dr Abdul Aziz Bari had an audience with Perak Ruler Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah yesterday, declaring they had a total of 33 state assemblymen, and could form the state government together.

Perak National Council member Tan Sri Mohd Annuar Zaini, who also held a press conference after the audience by Saarani and Abdul Aziz with the Perak Sultan, said the Ruler was satisfied Barisan and Pakatan had the numbers to form the state government.

Mohd Annuar said Sultan Nazrin had also met Perikatan Nasional – Razman and (secretary) Datuk Zainol Fadzi Paharuddin.

“When asked whether they (Perikatan) had the numbers to form the state government, they admitted that they did not,” he said. TSOL