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Kerjasama Hamas dan Fatah


Kenyataan Media Presiden PAS

Situasi terkini yang berlaku di Palestin amat membimbangkan apabila rakyat Gaza dihalang untuk mendapatkan rawatan kesihatan di luar, dipotong bekalan eletrik dengan menghalang kemasukan bahan bakar, dihentikan bantuan dan elaun sara hidup untuk keluarga miskin, bekas tahanan Israel dan keluarga syuhada.

Rakyat Gaza menderita tekanan hidup dan ekonomi sehingga membawa kes kematian akibat halangan keluar untuk mendapatkan rawatan dan eletrik pula hanya dibekalkan selama 4 jam setiap hari.

Keadaan ini mendesak HAMAS dan FATAH memeterai perjanjian damai dengan kehadiran pegawai perisik Mesir.

Perjanjian damai telah ditandatangani oleh Timbalan Ketua HAMAS yang baharu, Salah al-Arouri dan Ketua Delegasi FATAH, Azzam al-Ahmad. Lanjutan daripada itu, kedua-dua pihak akan menyerahkan tanggungjawab bagi lintasan sempadan Rafah di Gaza dan kawalan pentadbiran Gaza kepada kerajaan perpaduan selewat-lewatnya 1 Disember ini.

PAS berpendirian bahawa perjanjian kerjasama yang dilakukan adalah semata-mata di atas kepentingan rakyat Palestin khasnya di Gaza, mengatasi kepentingan lain.

Dalam perbualan telefon sewaktu saya dihubungi oleh Syeikh Ismail Haniyyeh, Ketua Biro Politik HAMAS, beliau menyatakan bahawa HAMAS tidak akan keluar daripada prinsip perjuangan Islam dan jihad membebaskan Palestin.

Kami sentiasa mendoakan kepada Allah supaya pimpinan HAMAS tetap berada di atas jalan istiqamah menegakkan Islam. Kami memahami keadaan darurat yang menimpa mereka sekarang tetapi darurat itu hendaklah diambil dengan sekadarnya sahaja.

Kami mengulangi komitmen PAS dalam memperjuangkan isu Palestin sejak daripada dahulu lagi dan kami juga mendoakan kesejahteraan rakyat Palestin seluruhnya.

“Sejahtera Bersama Islam”

Presiden PAS

Bertarikh: 5 Safar 1439 / 26 Oktober 2017

PAS President Media Release

The latest state of affairs transpiring in Palestine is extremely worrying, whereby the people of Gaza are prevented access to external medical care, their electricity disconnected due to obstructed fuel supply as well as discontinued aid and living allowances for the poor, former Israel detainees and the families of martyrs.

The people of Gaza undergo extreme physical and economic pressures to the point that some have succumbed to death, due to restricted access to medical care and the fact that electricity is supplied for only 4 hours a day.

This predicament has compelled HAMAS and FATAH to sign a peace treaty in the presence of Egypt’s intelligence officers.

The peace treaty is signed by the newly appointed HAMAS Deputy Chief Salah al-Arouri and FATAH delegation chief, Azzam al Ahmad. Thereafter, both parties will hand over the responsibility of the border security of Rafah, Gaza and the security of the Gaza administration to the unity government latest by the 1st of December.

PAS believes that this agreement to cooperate was solely drawn up in the interests of the Palestinian people especially in Gaza, above other considerations.

In a telephone conversation initiated by Syeikh Ismail Haniyyeh, Head of the Political Bureau of HAMAS, he reaffirmed that HAMAS will not stray from the Islamic principles and the jihad to liberate Palestine.

We will always pray to Allah that the HAMAS leadership remains steadfast on the path to uphold Islam. We understand the state of emergency that has befallen them. Nonetheless, ‘darurah’ should be utilised as minimally as possible.

We reiterate our commitment in championing the Palestinian issue from the very beginning and we will always have the peace and well-being of Palestinians in our prayers.

“Harmony with Islam”

PAS President

Dated: 5 Safar 1439 / 26 October 2017